Stepping into Fall
I can’t imagine anyone not loving fall – not that we are feeling fall weather yet! Football, back to school, new schedules, fall decorations, soup weather, and my favorite fall clothes all sound so wonderful!
Do you have certain traditions or things you do to kick off fall? How does the fall season look and feel different in your life?
Here are some things that I notice or change in preparation for 4th quarter.
· A smaller version of spring cleaning happens. My junk drawers and frequently used areas get a quick organizing after busy summer uses!
· I like to clean my closet again – although this doesn’t always happen. When we built our house, I downsized my closet. Yes, you read that right! I DOWNSIZED my closet. Our last house had a large closet, and it became a junk collector’s dream spot. My reasoning was if I didn’t have the extra space, I wouldn’t toss junk in my closet. Well, now I don’t have the space but things still get pitched in there and hidden from the main view! I start by removing clothes/shoes that I haven’t worn in the last year and donate those.
· I actually remove most of my shorts and a large portion of my short sleeves or sleeveless shirts (especially in lighter or spring/summer colors) unless I think I will wear them under a jacket or cardigan. It’s such a mild fall/winter here in Texas that many sleeveless basics still work for fall layering! I store the extras in rubbermaids at the top of my closet.
· Once my summer is packed away, I unpack my fall/winter bins which includes my sweaters, sweatshirts, and sweats. I always have my jackets/blazers and most of my long sleeves blouses hanging in my closet already.
· I then switch my shoes. My summer shoes either get packed away or moved to the back part of my closet while my winter shoes/boots move front and center. Now’s a great time to figure out what needs to be replaced or added at your next “yellow house visit!”
· I usually don’t decorate until Sept. 1st, and I will admit since opening Simply Home in 2012, I don’t decorate for fall to the same level at home anymore! I do miss it though as I love fall decorations. I always start with my mantle/fireplace area with scarecrows, pumpkins, leaves and fall colors and accents. My dining table is next with some amazing gourds that I got in Round Top years ago! I still love them and use them in some way every year! Mums go in my front iron stands by my door and we’re ready for fall!
· In the kitchen, I always change out my 3 tier stand with fun autumn pieces! Soups are a frequent dinner at our house, so I always have soup basics on hand. My fave/easiest “cheat” is Spicy V8. It’s a great base for soups!
· Toss in a jacket in the car for those mornings or evenings when it’s chilly and I didn’t dress warm enough!
· Plan a pre-holiday trip or long weekend. I love going away before the craziness of the holidays takes over my life! Even if you can only get away for a night or a day date, make plans to enjoy the holidays without going overboard and see how you can simplify the busy schedules!
That’s just a few of my PRE-Fall “to do’s” but would love to hear how you get ready for those perfect fall days! Don’t forget to stop by and see us at the yellow house and we can help you decorate, dress, and gift for the season!